openQCM Quartz Crystal Microbalance electronic design is finally released using the free software KiCAD. Thanks to Martin Zalazar, Christian Mista and all the guys working at the Lab of electronic prototyping and 3D printing of the Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos UNER – Argentina Great thanks for being an active part of the openQCM community ! (more…)
Tag: Arduino
openQCM news and press review
openQCM quartz crystal microbalance press review The openQCM is really proud to share the latest reviews about the open source quartz crystal microbalance. This is also the opportunity to give thanks to people supporting the openQCM project. (more…)
openQCM the Temperature Sensor Using a Thermistor with Arduino
openQCM has a temperature sensor with high accuracy based on thermistor and Arduino. The Quartz Crystal Microbalance accuracy depends on temperature.
openQCM has Arduino inside at heart
openQCM the open source quartz crystal microbalance project has an Arduino electronic board inside the heart openQCM is the fully open source quartz crystal microbalance project with an Arduino electronic board inside its heart (more…)
openQCM the benefit and challenge of an open hardware project
Hi everybody,
This is my first post on the openQCM blog, so I introduce myself. I am Marco, Scientific Coordinator at Novaetech S.r.l. and co-founder of the openQCM project – the first open source quartz crystal microbalance – which I developed alongside Raffaele Battaglia, founder of Novaetech and the project’s creator. Above all I am a lucky man because I really enjoy my work. (more…)