Here we report in detail the verification test of openQCM Quartz Crystal Microbalance in contact with pure water according to the theory based on Kanazawa – Gordon equation
Tag: quartz crystal
openQCM verification test using Impedance and Network Analyzer
Researchers working at International University of Malaysia compared openQCM Quartz Crystal Microbalance with standard scientific instruments Network and Impedance Analyzer
Quartz Crystal Microbalance openQCM: our first test
As already mentioned, we have just completed the design and the electronic optimization of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance openQCM. At the moment we already have 2 working devices. So, we are very glad to show the first test in liquid environment.
In order to demonstrate the real behavior of the system we have preferred to make a video. In my opinion is the best way to highlight the openQCM performances. Furthermore, it is a good opportunity to view the Java software in action!
openQCM is a system designed for working both in air in liquid environments, the latter being the most challenging in terms of frequency noise and oscillator circuit design. The main aim of the experimental test are measuring:
- The frequency signal stability in air and liquid environments;
- The typical system equilibrium time after the liquid injection.
We chose to report raw data without any kind of data processing. This is very important for the evaluation of the performances of a sensing device, that’s the best way to appreciate the quality of opeQCM. In the final version of the software we will use an algorithm for signal processing, in order to drastically increase the S/N ratio. But as you will see, the “raw” results are very exiting !
In this test we use a AT-cut quartz crystal at 10 MHz, pure water and a CellTram Oil microinjector. The first part of the test was in air and after few minutes we injected water in the chamber. After the injection we collected more than 1/2 hour in order to evaluate the long time behaviour of the quartz sensor in liquid.
The first exciting results is that after the water injection, the system reached the thermal equilibrium in only few minutes. The second great results is the perfect horizontal plateau which remains at the same stable level for the rest of the experimental test.
If you want to evaluate by youself the quality of raw data you can download the data file here.
Enhancing openQCM Quartz Crystal Microbalance Frequency Stability and Power Consumption
Easy solution for enhancing the frequency stability and reducing the power consumption of openQCM the open source quartz crystal microbalance.
openQCM the benefit and challenge of an open hardware project
Hi everybody,
This is my first post on the openQCM blog, so I introduce myself. I am Marco, Scientific Coordinator at Novaetech S.r.l. and co-founder of the openQCM project – the first open source quartz crystal microbalance – which I developed alongside Raffaele Battaglia, founder of Novaetech and the project’s creator. Above all I am a lucky man because I really enjoy my work. (more…)