openQCM Scienticif papers

Scientific Papers

Publications citing the applications of openQCM (by Novaetech S.r.l.) instruments and accessories in scientific research.

The list of scientific papers published on the most important journals showing the usage of openQCM in several scientific fields, such as thin film deposition, chemical sensors, biological research and biosensors.

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Khoirudin, Hanif; Aflaha, Rizky; Arsetiyani, Eldiana Rully; Nugraheni, Ari Dwi; Nurputra, Dian Kesumapramudya; Triyana, Kuwat; Kusumaatmaja, Ahmad

Influence of the SMN antibody on quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) surface as an SMN protein biosensor Journal Article

In: MRS Communications, pp. 1–7, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: antibody detection, Nanofiber, Nanofibers, neuron, openQCM, protein, QCM-D, Quartz Crystal Microbalance, SEM


Avila-Sierra, Alejandro; Moreno, Jose A; Goode, Kylee; Zhu, Taotao; Fryer, Peter J; Taylor, Alan; Zhang, Zhenyu J

Effects of structural and chemical properties of surface coatings on the adsorption characteristics of proteins Journal Article

In: Surface and Coatings Technology, pp. 129054, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: absorption, AFM, Functionalized coatings, protein, Protein adsorption, QCM-D, Structured surfaces

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